CRM, Sales Tips, Professional Speaking, Company News

October 28, 2016

Work Softer, Not Harder

BY John Paul Narowski IN Company

I’ve always had a problem with the phrase “work smarter, not harder” and I didn’t know why. Sure, I agree with the premise – who doesn’t want to work smarter? I’ve done my best to work smarter and to encourage the idea within my companies. The problem is, I never fully connected with this concept. It’s possible that I resisted it because it’s a cliche, but I think it’s much deeper than that. The phrase “work smarter” doesn’t provide enough clarity on the underlying philosophy. It seems a bit empty. It needs a little more intuition, more voice, more gut. … Continue reading Work Softer, Not Harder

October 28, 2016

Featured Customer: HSI Trust

BY Krista Garver IN Featured Customers

HSI Trust Logo

Bruce Boguslav knows that unexpected financial disasters can upend a life. Though he was a successful businessman, Boguslav almost lost his home during the mortgage crisis. Believing no one should have to endure what he and his family did during that time, Boguslav started HSI Trust, a consumer advocacy nonprofit dedicated to helping people save their homes and recover from debt. Boguslav needed a reliable, flexible tool to manage his clients. HSI Trust went through a strenuous, detailed vetting process, trying out more than 20 different systems before settling on karmaCRM. “We were impressed with karmaCRM immediately,” said Boguslav. “It … Continue reading Featured Customer: HSI Trust

October 26, 2016

New Features and Updates: Site-Wide Search, Phone Number Formatting, Custom Labels, and More

BY Krista Garver IN karmaCRM News and Updates

karmaCRM new search function

Once again, we’ve been hard at work making improvements to karmaCRM, largely based on customer feedback. Here’s what you can now do with karmaCRM. Search everything Improving the site-wide search function was the #1 most requested item on our recent customer survey. This one’s so big that we wrote a whole blog post about it. But if all you want are the CliffsNotes, here you go: the search function now works exactly like you need it to. Save typing time with address autocomplete Tired of typing in addresses? Now you don’t have to. For users on the per-user plan, autocomplete … Continue reading New Features and Updates: Site-Wide Search, Phone Number Formatting, Custom Labels, and More

October 22, 2016

How Giving Helps You Sell More

BY John Paul Narowski IN Karma, Relationships, Sales

Smiling salesperson

Take a minute to imagine a “salesperson.” If you’re anything like me, you imagined a used car salesman in a tweed suit jacket or a smooth-talking, cologne-soaked peddler of mysterious tonics. These images typically come along with the perception of pushy, deceitful individuals, working in their own self-interest to close more deals. In short, takers. Now imagine what would happen if we flipped the script. If salespeople were known as givers instead of takers. Contrary to what some people might think, the more you give the more you get. First, let’s define what we mean to give in sales. What … Continue reading How Giving Helps You Sell More

October 18, 2016

5 Things You Should Be Giving in Sales

BY Caitlin Delohery IN Relationships, Sales


“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.” — The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea, by Bob Burg There’s been a sea change in sales in the last decade. Instead of focusing on volume of transactions, businesses are focusing on the quality of relationships. And, as in any relationship, sales is a give and take. By focusing more on giving than taking, you can strengthen your team, build community, expand your profits, and increase your personal happiness.

October 13, 2016

Announcing Better Site-Wide Search – Our Most-Requested Feature!

BY John Paul Narowski IN karmaCRM News and Updates

The #1 request in our most recent NPS survey was to fix the site-wide search feature, i.e. “Search Everything Here…” Since search is the cornerstone of karmaCRM, we don’t blame you for wanting it to be perfect! Over the last month we spoke with many of our customers to make sure we get it right. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback! karmaCRM is customer driven. We’re humbled and honored to have users investing in making the platform better for everyone. Today, we’re pleased to announce several enhancements and fixes that should dramatically improve your experience with site-wide search. First, what is site-wide search? It’s the bar in … Continue reading Announcing Better Site-Wide Search – Our Most-Requested Feature!

October 1, 2016

Featured Customer: PlanOmatic

BY Krista Garver IN Featured Customers


In 2005, PlanOmatic began as a scrappy start-up focused on real estate plans and continued to grow through one of the biggest real estate crashes in U.S. history. Today, the company serves more than 20,000 zip codes in 30 states. Aaron Rose, Co-Founder & Vice President of Corporate Accounts for PlanOmatic, knew just what his company needed to grow. He was in the market for a lightweight sales tracking system that would help his team manage daily tasks, outbound emails, and other everyday sales processes. He knew from the outset that an enterprise-sized CRM would be overkill. With karmaCRM, Rose … Continue reading Featured Customer: PlanOmatic

September 28, 2016

New Features and Updates: Scheduled Emails, URL Support for Custom Fields, and More

BY Krista Garver IN karmaCRM News and Updates

New feature: Schedule emails

You asked, we listened! And we’ll keep on listening… A few months ago, we sent a survey to all of our customers asking what they thought about karmaCRM and what we could do to make it better. We received a treasure trove of information, and, over the past several weeks, we’ve been hard at work putting that feedback into action. We’re very excited to share the first round of new functionalities with you today. Without further ado, here’s they are! Print the calendar as a calendar One of the bigger feature requests we is the ability to print out the … Continue reading New Features and Updates: Scheduled Emails, URL Support for Custom Fields, and More

September 26, 2016

Must-Have CRM Features for Small Businesses

BY Caitlin Delohery IN CRM Software

Small businesses are scrappy. Nine times out of ten, they’re made up tough, creative go-getters who aren’t afraid of hard work. Okay, I made up that stat. But not this one: Since 1990, as big business eliminated 4 million jobs, small businesses added 8 million new jobs. While big businesses are toppling like bloated Goliaths, small businesses are rising like scrappy little Davids. And the little guys have different needs from their big competitors and colleagues. Here are the must-have CRM features for small businesses. Ease of use Ease of use is the kingpin of features — it’s what you need … Continue reading Must-Have CRM Features for Small Businesses

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