December 28, 2016
Our Top 5 CRM Articles of 2016
BY Krista Garver IN CRM Software 0 Comment

Well, it’s finally here! That scary-exciting time of the year when we look back at where we’ve been to see what we can learn from it…and forward to where we’re going with anticipation of what’s to come.
This year has been big for karmaCRM. We’ve launched several new features based on customer feedback (see examples here, here, and here), made a commitment to living up to our name, and started adopting mindfulness practices in our day-to-day operations (learn how you can do this too).
We’ve also launched a new content initiative focusing on sales strategies, customer engagement, and, of course, CRM. Here are the 5 most-read CRM articles we published this year.
The One Thing Everyone Gets Wrong about CRM
Over 60% of CRM implementations fail. As a CRM company, that’s not a fact we particularly like. But it’s true. And the most common reason is that businesses fail to define a CRM strategy. They simply expect the software to solve all of their problems.
Things just don’t work that way. Like any other technology initiative, CRM requires planning, processes, and optimization to succeed. In this article, karmaCRM founder John Paul Narowski describes a six-step process to make sure your company is one of the success stories.
New to CRM? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you’re like many of our customers, you’re making your first foray into the world of CRM. Depending on how your business operates, that could mean a pretty big adjustment. If you don’t have a clear grasp of exactly what CRM is and what it brings to the table, the whole prospect can be a little intimidating. This article aims to clear up any confusion and provide you with the knowledge you need to start your CRM journey with confidence.
Why “Ease of Use” is the Most Important Feature of CRM Software
You have many choices when it comes to CRM software, from systems that are so simple you can master them in under an hour to those with so many features you need to take a certification course to understand them all. But, do you really need all those bells and whistles? According to 70% of senior executives, the answer is no — they would happily trade functionality for a system that was easier to use. This article explores what ease of use means in the CRM context and why it’s so important.
The #1 Reason CRM Implementations Fail
Earlier, we noted that most CRM implementations fail due to a lack of strategy. But it goes deeper than that. One of the major consequences of not having a strategy is that you’re unlikely to pick the right tool to meet your unique needs. This article looks at a few factors that make a particular CRM a poor fit for your organization.
Must-Have CRM Features for Small Businesses
Finally, as a companion to the previous articles on this list, this post identifies the CRM features that are most important for small businesses. From predefined email templates to the ability to customize your data and dashboard, these functionalities will help you better engage with prospects and customers — which is exactly what your CRM is supposed to do.
If you like this content, and would like more of it, sign up for our newsletter. We’ll send you a monthly round-up of the best CRM, sales, and business content from our blog and from other sites we love around the web. Thank you for reading in 2016. We look forward to continuing the conversation next year!