April 13, 2011

Announcing Public Beta and Some New Features

BY John Paul Narowski IN karmaCRM News and Updates One Comment

After much elbow grease, user feedback and 40 hour days, we’re pleased to announce karmaCRM is in public beta. This doesn’t change much of anything for our existing users, but new users can signup without the need for an invitation code. Read more about our public beta announcement here.

When will you start charging?

All accounts will remain free until June 1st. A credit card will be required to continue on all non-free plans beyond this point. If your account is created past May 1st, a free 30 day trial will be in effect starting on the date you signup.

Where do I enter my credit card or upgrade my plan

We are still putting the finishing touches on this part of the system, and should have it online by May 15-20th. We’ll send out an announcement when it’s ready to accept your cards so you can go ahead and select the plan that fits your needs.

What happens to my account if I don’t upgrade or enter my credit card?

If you do not enter a credit card beyond the 30 day trial, your account will be downgraded to a “Always Free” plan. No data will be removed, but you will be unable to add any data beyond the “Always Free” limits. If you have more than 2 users, only the first 2 users created will be able to login until your plan is upgraded.

New Features

We have been working on a few features to encourage collaboration and keep everyone from your team in the loop. Listed below are some features added recently that we believe help further this mission.

Add comments everywhere!

You can now comment on history items and tasks inline within the list. Everyone involved in the comment including the creator of the record will receive a notification that a comment has been added.

Add comments to tasks

Notify team of record assignment

If you assign a record to anyone other than yourself, you’ll see a check box appear asking you if you want to notify this user of the record assignment. This helps keep salespeople informed about what tasks, contacts and companies are being assigned to them.

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It will also add a new notification inside the users app. Next time they refresh the page, they’ll see a new notification of the user assignment.

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Quick access to contact & company info

Time is money, and we want to make sure your data is within quick reach at all times. This is why we’ve added the vcard icon next to contacts and companies across the app. When clicked, it will give you a preview of that contacts information including phone numbers, emails, and address information.

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I’ve been hacking at various business ideas since I was 16. I’m a full stack developer and love crafting user experiences. I’ve been nose deep in code since I put the legos down, and built several successful businesses in the process. I’ve lost some hair, gained some experience and throughly enjoyed the journey.

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