February 11, 2014

New Calendar Updates…and an Apology

BY John Paul Narowski IN karmaCRM News and Updates 0 Comment

Yesterday, February 10th, we launched something we’ve been hard at work on for quite some time now: improving calendar functionality. Unfortunately, this resulted in an undiscovered technical issue that caused multiple event reminders to be sent to some of our customers in duplicate.

We were hard at work throughout the day, mitigating the impact that this bug had on our customers. Essentially, the reason this technical issue occurred is because standard reminders were being treated as recurring.

You can rest assured that your data is safe, and we are going to be conducting a full audit of any code that messages our customers, so that there are additional stop measures taken in the future. This means that even if there is another bug of this nature, the notifications won’t reach you, our customers.

We are the first to admit and realize that downtime is always stressful from a data management perspective. Because we will always take full accountability for our successes as well as our failures, we hope that you will please accept our sincerest apologies for this error.

Now that the not-so-good news is out of the way, we are incredibly thrilled to roll out a new and improved calendar! If you’ve clicked on the Calendar tab, you may have noticed the All Events tab.

New Agenda View with Filtering

By clicking on the All Events tab within the Calendar tab, you’ll now be able to view all of the events you’ve added for the current day, week, and/or month (you can also choose to enter a custom date range). Consider this an agenda view, with the ability to filter your events down like you can in other sections of karma.

All Events Good

In the All Events view, you can click on the Expand All link at upper left if you need to view the details for all of your events, which will then give you the options of viewing and/or editing them.

Events View Best

You can also click on the plus sign in front of the subject of an individual event to expand its view individually.

While in the All Events view, you will be able to use the filters on the right to narrow down the exact event(s) you are looking for.


Better Handling of Multi-Day Events

Also, events that span multiple days will now show up for each day they span in both the all events view, as well as the print view

New Sharing Options

Many of our awesome customers have asked to make calendar sharing simpler, and here’s our response. You can now have a private personal calendar, or a public calendar that everyone sees!

Because you now have the ability to make your calendar public, this eliminates the need to add new users to it (as was the case prior to this update). Similarly, you can now also make your calendar private if you choose.

Private Public Settings


We’ve focused heavily on speeding up the loading of events so you don’t have to wait. This is most noticeable on calendars containing many events.

I’ve been hacking at various business ideas since I was 16. I’m a full stack developer and love crafting user experiences. I’ve been nose deep in code since I put the legos down, and built several successful businesses in the process. I’ve lost some hair, gained some experience and throughly enjoyed the journey.

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